Nominal cooling capacity 210 – 1170 kW – 50 H
- Very economical operation
- Low sound levels
- Simple installation
- Environmentally responsible
- Exceptional reliability
They use the latest Carrier technologies:
- Refrigerant R-1234ze
- Carrier 06T twin-rotor fixed-speed screw compressors
- Low noise 6th generation of Carrier Flying BirdTM fans with variable speed AC motor (30XBEZE) or variable speed EC motor
- Carrier flooded shell-and-tube evaporator with new copper tube design for low pressure drops 2nd generation of “V” shape Carrier NovationTM microchannel heat exchangers with optional Enviro-Shield coatings
- Carrier SmartVuTM control with color touch screen user interface that includes 10 languages
Andere Produkte

Crystal Ultra Clean Plus
- UV-Lampe
- Dreifache Filterwirkung: Kältekatalysator, negatives Ion, Vitamin C
- 3D-Luftstrom
- „Der Wind meidet mich“
- Leiser Modus ~ 18 dB(Α)
- Energieeffizientes Modell mit einem SEER bis 7,4
- Ionisatorfilter
- WiFi-Standard

4:1 38QUS 036 D8S4
Betreiben Sie bis zu vier Innengeräte mit einem einzigen Außengerät.