Nominale Kühlleistung 29-95 kW
- Designed for commercial (offices, small hotels, leisure facilities), residaential and industrial applications.
- All units offer a unique combination of high performance and functionality in an exceptionally compact chassis.
- The 30WG, also available as a condenserless version (30WGA), is designed for air-conditioning applications with a high ESEER value.
- As they can produce chilled water down to -12 °C they are also suitable for process applications.
- A large number of options is available for the whole range:
- -Hydronic kits with or without variable water flow rate,
- -Reinforced sound insulation,
- -Stacking and connection of two units
- -Low-temperature applications down to -12 °C (30WG only).
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2:1 38QUS 014 D8S2
Betreiben Sie bis zu zwei Innengeräte mit einem einzigen Außengerät.
- CoolEasy steht für absolute Flexibilität!
- Hervorragende Energieeffizienz mit SEER bis zu 9
- Einfache Installation und Wartung in 1 Minute
- 3D-Luftstrom
- Zuverlässiger Betrieb von -15 °C bis +50 °C
- Vierfaches Filtersystem: Kaltkatalysator-Vorfilter, Vitamin C, negative Ionen
- Drei Betriebsleistungsoptionen (50 % -75 % – 100 %)
- Wifi-Standard